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Mohak Aurangabadkar

Mohak Aurangabadkar


Articles by Mohak Aurangabadkar

Hackadrone 2018 – KMIT’s Incontrovertible Victory

Hackadrone 2018 – India’s first UAV Hackathon – which took place from February 5-9 received close to 4500 registrations and a total of 617 proposals. Seven team

 Friday, March 2, 20180 Comments
Salesforce Workshop '18 - A Lesson in CRM

Every computer science engineer worth their salt knows that in the ever-competitive IT industry, in order to stay relevant, learning constantly is of paramount

 Thursday, February 1, 20180 Comments
Black Mirror - The USS CALLISTER

The best year-end gift came in the form of the fourth season of the hit anthology series, Black Mirror. Now, for those who haven’t ever heard of this show, here

 Wednesday, January 3, 20180 Comments
A Glimpse Into 2018

Happy New Year! Another year has gone by… and what a roller-coaster it was! From the revolutionary #metoo movement to the carnage at Las Vegas to the rising ten

 Wednesday, January 3, 20180 Comments
Stranger Things 2

Netflix released this year’s highly anticipated sci-fi/horror thriller to much fanfare on the 27th of October: Stranger Things 2 And. It. Delivered. Disclaimer

 Friday, November 3, 20170 Comments
Editor's note

Dear Readers, October’s that one friend we don’t spend as much time with but is always there to listen to whatever it is we have to say. Unlike the rest of

 Wednesday, October 4, 20170 Comments
Human Library - Where Books Speak

"Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover" Not everyone of us is an avid reader. The allure of picking up a book is lost on many. Many find it quite taxing: spending ho

 Wednesday, October 4, 20170 Comments

The conclusion of the latest season of Game of Thrones has left a void which won’t be filled anytime soon. While many of the fans are biding their time by watch

 Monday, September 4, 20170 Comments
The Black Death

Ring a Ring o’ roses, a child’s rhyming game, has entertained children for many years. The classic rhyming game first appeared in print in 1881. However, report

 Wednesday, August 2, 20170 Comments

“Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta   There’s a different allure to living out of a suitcase

 Thursday, June 29, 20170 Comments
Review: Fences

INTRODUCTION   The play, Fences, is regarded by many as a full-blown American classic. Hence it was only a matter of time before August Wilson's icon

 Saturday, March 4, 20170 Comments
Jallikattu: everything you need to know

Last month, many citizens nation-wide found themselves coming across this term in the news, most of them had no clue what it meant. A lot of people thought it w

 Sunday, February 5, 20170 Comments